Roadworks Media CIC Roadworks Media CIC

Roadworks Media Newsletter - April 2024

It’s been an exciting start to the year!

The Roadworks Media arts and production space was visited by key people in our community. The reoccurring theme when talking to them afterwards was how inspiring it feels, and how important our work is in raising the aspirations of young people.

We also started production of our short film ‘Edwards Bike’ - for which we held our first casting (with more to follow). We’re excited to properly kickstart this after Easter and get as many aspiring young actors, musicians, directors and more involved.

We have also extended our workshops to other community spaces such as Mountview, where we’ll be producing two stop-motion animations, and were featured in local magazine ‘The Dulwich Diverter’.

We are incredibly proud of the young people we have been able to support and continue to see how reflective and hardworking they are, and as always, we are delighted to share some of the work that’s been produced over the last few months!

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Roadworks Media CIC Roadworks Media CIC

Roadworks Media Newsletter - December 2023

As we close the year, we want to celebrate all of the young people we’ve worked with who have shown determination, shown up to sessions, and taken the guidance we’ve offered to pursue their passions. We’ve had some excellent stories - from young people being offered places on courses because of the work they’ve done with us, to films being shown by the chair of the BAFTA’s.

We are also incredibly grateful for everyone who has supported our work in the last year. We look forward to working with you again in 2024 and increasing our impact.

As always, we are delighted to share some of the work that’s been produced over the last few months!

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Roadworks Media CIC Roadworks Media CIC

Roadworks Media Newsletter - August 2023

For the past few months, we have been young people living in the London Borough of Southwark on an exhibition entitled ‘No More Eugene’.

This exhibition revolves around our three focuses: to deter, repair and empower young people through creative intervention programmes.

We opened up the exhibition at the Copeland Gallery in Peckham and saw firsthand the artistic expressions of youngsters navigating growing up in the city.

The exhibition showcased the artwork, photography, and short films created on the Roadworks Media programme the 'At Risk Project'. The 'At Risk Project' was a 6-month funded project created in collaboration with Southwark Council aimed at preventing young people with experience of the youth justice system from reoffending.

The exhibition not only gave our young people a platform to grow and reshape their lives, but also highlighted ongoing issues in society such as racism, sexism, and youth violence.

We are delighted to share some of the work exhibited!

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Roadworks Media CIC Roadworks Media CIC

Roadworks Media Newsletter - April 2023

Since January 2023 we have worked with 20 young people living in the London Borough of Southwark.

All of our processes revolve around our three focuses: to deter, repair and empower young people through creative intervention programmes.

Empowering participants to choose something that they love to work towards, our programmes address the foundational beliefs of young people, ensuring that they are ready to build positive relationships and work through any beliefs or behaviours that may be holding them back. Through guided goal setting, we enable participants to gain powerful insights into their lives and develop self-awareness, enabling them to set goals and targets - resulting in increased self-belief and self-esteem. Overall we provide a supportive safety net for learning and develop participants’ commitment to themselves and their chosen craft.

We are therefore delighted to be able to share some of the work fantastic work that they have been producing.

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