We work to create a safer, more compassionate environment for all young people, fostering understanding and empowerment through the arts.

We deliver hands-on training to underrepresented young people and those experiencing disadvantage, providing experience in real-life film productions and creative media projects. All young people on our programmes gain skills and experience in acting, presenting, and necessary crew/ production roles. This is followed up by mentoring programme to help young people access the creative industry.

About us

Meet the team

CEO | Quince Garcia

As somebody who has overcome challenges and obstacles that are relatable to young people with difficult backgrounds. I feel compelled to share the tools that have elevated me to progress in an area I believed was impossible to achieve.

I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Film and Animation and have studied multiple courses that have supported me to gain skills in acting, camera operating, painting, and playwriting.

I have received roles in the film industry from working as a runner at various production houses in Soho, and Pinewood Studios, as a trainee for a crew agency at Shepperton Studio and as a Camera Operator for Various Sports Channels. However, I have applied my experiences and knowledge to produce my own film productions and host at events where they were screened. Applying my skills to storyboarding, pre-production planning, camera operating on sets and editing in post.

I have led award-winning and successful workshops that have delivered creative skills and mentoring to break the cycle of reoffending and unemployment. Reducing youth unemployment across South London boroughs and deterring young people from crime and gangs. Tutoring courses that have taught art, drama, film production, photography, and creative writing. With an aim to improve self-belief, boost confidence and increase esteem to support participants in becoming more productive in society.

Presently I lead a team to run a creative skills workshop and a mentoring programme to prevent reoffending for Southwark Youth Justice Team. Supporting at-risk youth to turn their backs on crime and to access the arts using courses that provide experiences to develop film and podcast productions.

Marketing, Admin and Operational Support | Lauren Turner

I specialise in building impactful communities.

I have worked in the education sector for almost 10 years, with the last three being at The Centre for Literacy in Primary Education, supporting members and spearheading online marketing efforts.

I also run an online travel blog and shop and am qualified to teach English as an additional language.

Working with roadworks media has been very fun and has given me an opportunity to make amazing friends and great experiences within the industry. It's also given me new tools to become a better actor.

- Princess (Programme Participant 2022)

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